Mr. Nurses Laz
General Manager
Imperial 21 Ltd.


Mr. Dimitar Shishkov
General Manager
Dekadans Dimitar Shishkov
In 2005 a joint venture between these two companies "Imperial 21" Ltd. and "Dekadans Dimitar Shishkov" was made.
“Imperial” was initially registered in 1921. In 1944 the company was nationalized and in 1994 it was restored by the grandson of the founder – Mr. Nurses Laz as “Imperial 21”.
"Dekadans Dimitar Shishkov" was established in 1990 as an agricultural producer. Now the company is farming around 7000 hektares of land with forceful agricultural machinery.
As a result of the union 6 silos were built totally - 4 of them with a capacity of 2000 tons each and 2 with a capacity of 4000 tons each.
A workshop for hulled sunflower kernels was built in 2007, which is working with its own raw material. Annual average exported production volume is around 3500 - 4000 tons of hulled sunflower kernels bakery grade. The main exporter of the goods is "Imperial 21" Ltd. and the main producer of the raw material is "Dekadans Dimitar Shishkov" Company. The workshop is ISO 9001:2008 certified.
The production with its quality was approved by more than 35 european companies, as well as some from the USA.
The production line is equipped with optical machninery, stone separators and oil dust separators.

Mr. Levent Laz
Both companies have their proud successors represented by Mr. Levent Laz, owner of "Imperial 22" Sltd. Company and Mr. Kamen Shishkov, owner of "Kamen Shishkov" ST Company.

Mr. Kamen Shishkov